I Asked Uncle One, Age 77, His Top 3 Retirement Money Regrets. 2 of Them Shocked Me.

<h1><strong>Uncle One Retired at Age 55</strong></h1> <p>For someone born after WWII &mdash; He is an early retiree.</p> <p>And he is proud of it.</p> <p>Uncle One would routinely pop by Mum&rsquo;s place and have dinner. He would chime the beauty of living in Retirement Rome.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m finally living a life I seek. No bosses, jobs, money worries, and children woes. Life is wonderful!&rdquo;</em></p> <p>That was 22 years ago.</p> <p>Then, I was 17&ndash;18. I guess that is why Uncle One always appeared chirpy. He was.</p> <p><a href="https://themakingofamillionaire.com/i-asked-uncle-one-age-77-his-top-3-retirement-money-regrets-2-of-them-shocked-me-61cf90dfb0c1"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Money Regrets