An Angry Hindu American Mom’s Rant

<p>Mother&rsquo;s Day 2023 was a total downer for me. Instead of feeling grateful and proud of my motherhood, I was angry, anxious, and confused.</p> <p>Unfortunately, this is the current state for many Californian Hindu moms ever since the SB-403 bill&rsquo;s introduction. This bill would introduce caste among other protected categories like race and sex, thus seeking to update California&rsquo;s existing civil rights law.</p> <p>Externally, the bill seems fair- no human tolerates discrimination! Which mom doesn&rsquo;t wish for her child&rsquo;s equal and fair treatment? But wait, doesn&rsquo;t caste get covered under existing categories like national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, and religious beliefs?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: moms Rant