Modularization of Android project in practice

<p>In this article, I will demonstrate how I modularized my existing project, creating structure and clarity for both the project and myself. I&rsquo;ll showcase this through a concrete example and how I broke down my project into modules.</p> <h1>Basics of Modularization</h1> <p>In a growing codebase, maintainability can suffer due to its increasing size and lack of a well-defined structure. Modularization is the practice of organizing the codebase into independent, self-contained parts or modules, enhancing maintainability by reducing complexity and facilitating easier problem-solving through division into manageable subproblems.</p> <h2>Benefits of modularization</h2> <p>The benefits of modularization focus on improving codebase maintainability and overall quality. Here&rsquo;s a summarized table highlighting the key benefits:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>