Modular Navigation with Jetpack Compose

<p>A large amount of mobile apps will need some form of Navigation, allowing users to move between different parts of an application. When implementing these requirements within Android Apps, applications have either rolled their own solutions, relied on traditional intents or the fragment manager, or explored the option of the&nbsp;Navigation Component&nbsp;over recent years. Throughout the alpha and developer preview releases of Jetpack Compose I was often asked, &ldquo;What about navigation?&rdquo;, &ldquo;Is it possible to navigate between composables?&rdquo;. With Jetpack Compose, the idea of working freely with Composables introduces the idea of a fragment free and (mostly) activity free app, allowing us to rely solely on composables when displaying our UI.</p> <p>Thanks to the&nbsp;Navigation Compose&nbsp;support in the Navigation Component, this is now completely possible. Applications can launch a single activity in their app, relying on Composables to represent the UI components that make up the application. I&rsquo;ve been using this component in a couple of projects and have been really enjoying what feels like a new way of building Android Apps. However, after initially using this in the project from existing guides and blog posts, I started to discover some things which felt they would add some friction and pain points in projects</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>