Thinness Is Back In Fashion, But It Has Never Left The Modeling World.

<p>Once I was sitting in a cafe with two of my friends when I spotted a CEO of a modeling agency I was signed to. I panicked because I had a cinnamon bun in front of me, and I really didn&rsquo;t want her to see it. This is because the CEO had told me my hips were too wide, by two centimeters, and I needed to leave treats out of my diet. I was 13 when this happened and already too thin, even according to a standard as poor as BMI.</p> <p>Models are not the main perpetrators when it comes to promoting an unhealthy body image in the fashion industry. They&rsquo;re the first-hand victims. Some legislative actions to protect models and healthier body image have already been taken, but more should be done.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modeling world