Mobile multiplatform development at McDonald’s

<p><strong>The adoption of a responsive, native user interface for the Global Mobile App is enabling McDonald&rsquo;s to build a codebase that can be shared across multiple platforms, removing the need for codebase redundancies.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*lC2loCXupo_zKkWwPI60xg.jpeg" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p><em>by Austin Keith, Lead Android Developer&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Ryan Sander, Senior Manager, Tech Lead, Global Mobile App Platform</em></p> <p>At McDonald&rsquo;s, we&rsquo;ve been exploring many options to reduce the amount of code in our Global Mobile App codebases. While there are a lot of options out there, many revolve around a web-based solution that results in a sub-par experience for the user.</p> <p>The obvious solution to performance issues is to develop applications in native code, but this results in needing both platforms to implement the same business logic. Whenever a new feature is added, the development teams need to spend time to understand the requirements&nbsp;<em>and</em>&nbsp;build it out in code.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>