Juggled Leadership Program, Family, and MLM Journey

<p>I just graduated from my Senior Executive Service (SES) Leadership Program. It was very intense! It consumed an extreme amount of time and my workload did not decrease. There were moments when my brain simply wanted to shut down but I persevered. On top of that, I struggled to stay engaged with my teenage daugther who is in accelerated classes and on the swim team. I found myself working in the stands as I silently cheered her on. That led to days of constant work with barely no time to relax. And let&rsquo;s not forget my husband who relies on me to keep him eating healthy. Even when I felt like I wanted to collapse, I pushed forward to prep healthy meals for the week. I am so thankful for Fitlife which we love! They make healthy prepared meals with great flavor yet low salt and low perservatives. I buy them weekly which cuts down on my level of effort for cooking. Of course, my teen daugther isn&rsquo;t feeling them so I make a separate meal for her. I always find time to treat her to weekly Chick-fil-A. I can&rsquo;t resist those waffle fries, yum!</p> <p>Life has been challenging but I don&rsquo;t regret the sacrifices I made to stretch my mind and grow. I learned a lot about myself during the SES leadership program such as the need to delegate more. I tend to take on too much which has led to very few vacation days this year. However, that is going to change! I developed an iron-clad backup system so that no one will need to call me while I am on vacation. I can&rsquo;t stress enough the importance of relaxation to prevent burnout. My SES program mentor told me that work life balance does not mean equal weight placed on work and life. It actually means that the life part of the scale should weigh more! That really resonates with me. I plan to take off work the entire week of Thanksgiving and am going to stick with it! After all, I only have about 5 more years with my daugther before she goes to college. I must make every moment count. After all, it&rsquo;s not a good look for her to see her mother on the work laptop when I should be either spending time with family or having &ldquo;me time&rdquo;. She needs to see me more relaxed and enjoying life. I don&rsquo;t want her to be as up tight as me, lol. However, I feel like I&rsquo;m doing all of this for her so she may have a productive and properous life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@livegoodshea/juggled-leadership-program-family-and-mlm-journey-5c9a9bf7bcb3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: MLM Journey