Mixed Stories Need To Be Heard

<p>When you share your personal experiences, it&rsquo;s important to be authentic. Part of my personal struggle being Mixed in a creative industry was that I didn&rsquo;t think I was enough. If I couldn&rsquo;t make films about the &ldquo;Black experience&rdquo;, I didn&rsquo;t I was enough. So I falsely believed that my work had to be changed to have the most appeal, i.e. work for a White audience.</p> <p>Don&rsquo;t try to portray yourself as someone you&rsquo;re not or tell stories that you think will be more popular. Focus on what&rsquo;s true to you and your experiences. Your authenticity will shine through and your audience will appreciate your honesty.</p> <p>What separates you from the rest &mdash; is You.</p> <p><a href="https://marislidaka.medium.com/mixed-stores-need-to-be-heard-c5366e752f4d"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mixed Stories