If You Have Black Or Mixed Kids, I Need You To Get Some Black Friends.

<p>Why should you be? This is something that you have never had to confront. This is alien to you. It is more likely that any experience you have with racism is that you were the perpetrator. Nothing as sordid as driving past a black family and screaming&nbsp;<em>nigger</em>&nbsp;at them. Something subtle. Maybe you clutched your purse when a black person walked by. An awkward laugh at a racist joke while surrounded by a bunch of white people. The time when you spent less time on a black customer than a white customer because you felt they were not going to tip well. Perhaps you paid extra attention to a black customer than a white customer because you believed they were going to steal.</p> <p><a href="https://garrickmcfadden.medium.com/if-you-have-black-or-mixed-kids-i-need-you-to-get-some-black-friends-3ed7da580dba"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mixed Kids