Mixed Effects Machine Learning with GPBoost for Grouped and Areal Spatial Econometric Data

<p>The&nbsp;<a href="https://www.jmlr.org/papers/v23/20-322.html" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">GPBoost algorithm</a>&nbsp;extends linear mixed effects and Gaussian process models by replacing the linear fixed effects function with a non-parametric non-linear function modeled using tree-boosting. This article shows how the GPBoost algorithm implemented in the&nbsp;<code><a href="https://github.com/fabsig/GPBoost" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">GPBoost</a></code><a href="https://github.com/fabsig/GPBoost" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;library</a>&nbsp;can be used for modeling data with a spatial and grouped structure. We demonstrate the functionality of the&nbsp;<code>GPBoost</code>&nbsp;library using European GDP data which is an example of areal spatial econometric data.</p> <h2>Table of contents</h2> <p>∘&nbsp;Introduction<br /> &middot; &middot;&nbsp;Basic workflow of GPBoost<br /> &middot; &middot;&nbsp;Data description<br /> &middot; &middot;Data loading and short visualization<br /> ∘&nbsp;Training a GPBoost model<br /> ∘&nbsp;Choosing tuning parameters<br /> ∘&nbsp;Model interpretation<br /> &middot; &middot;Estimated random effects model<br /> &middot; &middot;Spatial effect map<br /> &middot; &middot;Understanding the fixed effects function<br /> ∘&nbsp;Extensions<br /> &middot; &middot;Separate random effects for different time periods<br /> &middot; &middot;Interaction between space and fixed effects predictor variables<br /> &middot; &middot;Large data<br /> &middot; &middot;Other spatial random effects models<br /> &middot; &middot;(Generalized) linear mixed effects and Gaussian process models<br /> ∘&nbsp;References</p> <h1>Introduction</h1> <h2>Basic workflow of GPBoost</h2> <p>Applying a GPBoost model (= combined tree-boosting and random effects / GP models) involves the following main steps:</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/mixed-effects-machine-learning-with-gpboost-for-grouped-and-areal-spatial-econometric-data-b26f8bddd385">Read More</a></p>