MIT Freshman Year Recap — Spring Semester

<p>Hi, this is Pari! I just finished my first year as an undergraduate at MIT and have shared some of my experiences&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">throughout the fall semester</a>&nbsp;during&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">MIT&rsquo;s Independent Activities Period (IAP)</a>&nbsp;in the linked blog posts. Through this post, I hope to share some of the highlights from this past spring semester. I hope to divide this blog post into different sections covering academics, research, and social life. Now, getting into it!</p> <h2>Academics</h2> <p>Academically, I took 5 courses, totaling 60 units per week. This was on the upper end of what an average workload at MIT would be and it was definitely evident throughout the semester. Coming out of my first fall semester&rsquo;s Pass/No Record grading system, it was a bit difficult to adjust.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: MIT Freshman