Seth: The Most Misunderstood deity of the ancient world.

<p>Seth is a deity that gets a reputation that he simply doesn&rsquo;t deserve. He generally was labeled by the Ancient Egyptians as evil, satanic, perverted and represented everything wrong with the world. Although he wasn&rsquo;t viewed that way by every single Egyptian. After all he was one of the oldest recorded gods of the egyptian pantheon and was the patron God of an entire section of Egypt (Lower Egypt) He had an entire cult following exactly like his nephew Horus (or in other versions of the myth his brother) who was the patron god of Upper Egypt. It&rsquo;s important to remember that those who considered themselves the followers of Seth did not view him as evil. Not many people would choose for their patron God someone who they viewed to be the embodiment of everything wrong in the world. Is there an alternate view of Seth that paints him a better light? Perhaps a more accurate light?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>