The Misconceptions of Dubai Perpetuated by Influencers

<p>The pinnacle of &ldquo;living the dream&rdquo; and &ldquo;escaping the Matrix&rdquo; draws those who wish to live a life of luxury. But what lies beneath this luxury?</p> <p>Does the influencer only show that which is desired and positive? Are they too ignorant to understand the lack of sustainability this could bring?</p> <p>I have never been one to idolize an influencer. In fact, I pity some of them. Most of the time, these influencers seem to force or dramatize their personality for views and selling the experience. It is almost sad in a way- the inability to be yourself. Because who is going to watch that?</p> <p>On the other hand, of course influencers force their personality. In a video, short, reel, whatever, it is crucial to keep your audience engaged and keep coming back for more. This is business after all. A lot of sacrifices must be made in order to sell this certain lifestyle. Even if those sacrifices involve you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>