Mirrors of Laughter

<p>Discordian mirrors reflect the void&rsquo;s laughter,<br /> Nihilistic echoes, what comes after?<br /> Eastern sands shifting, no permanence in sight,<br /> In the dance of existence, find your own light.</p> <p>Distorted mirrors twist and bend all reflections,<br /> No image true, only misconceptions.<br /> Laughing at our grasping for solid ground,<br /> when all truths are fluid, uncertainties abound.</p> <p>Nihilism screams no meaning can be found,<br /> All drifts to chaos with no purpose bound.<br /> Our lives but mist, transient and brief,<br /> No point seeking joy or relief.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thebulletproofpoet/mirrors-of-laughter-90965db80856"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: mirrors