The One Minute Geographer: The Triplets: Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont — New Hampshire’s Population

<p>We&rsquo;ve looked at Maine&rsquo;s population distribution and density in previous posts, but how about New Hampshire and Vermont? First take a look at the following chart.</p> <p>In all three cases the biggest metropolitan area in each state has between 30% and 40% of the state&rsquo;s population. Note that Maine no longer has the most people of the three; New Hampshire passed Maine in 2020 by 6,000 people.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ll focus on New Hampshire in this post. New Hampshire is like Maine in having two major populated corridors that you can trace on a map with your fingers. The eastern corridor is along I-95 and the coastal route of old US 1. The inland corridor is I-93. All roads lead to Boston!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>