Mine’s FORTRAN, His Was COBOL, and Theirs Is … C++?

<p>1969: There&rsquo;s nothing as romantic as carrying yours-and-mine boxes of punched cards to a table in the dormitory common room to debug your programs side by side. Check YES or NO.</p> <p>I was 17, and I checked MAYBE &hellip; because I already had the most romantic piece of paper I could imagine in my hands: My boyfriend, in the first term of college (Michigan State), turned over one of his big pages of output, with the sprocket holes on either side and wrote out the words and guitar cords to a folk song I adored, so I could learn to play it, too. Total contrast: coding (although we called it programming then) and love song.</p> <p><a href="https://code.likeagirl.io/mines-fortran-his-became-cobol-and-theirs-is-c-0f06ab2c692f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mines FORTRAN