Millimeters Away From Success

<p>I get the great honor of watching people overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. What never ceases to amaze me is how the smallest adjustments or tiniest tweaks can clear your path to success.</p> <p><strong>Sometimes it&rsquo;s a mindset shift.</strong>&nbsp;A slightly different perception of how you are forging your path. As illustration, a client of mine had a goal of hitting over $2 million in revenue for the year. When I asked how they were planning to get there, they said &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t know, I&rsquo;m a terrible sales person and I get frustrated with people who don&rsquo;t see the value in what I do.&rdquo; We dug deeper, I asked what made them unique in their field. They said, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not really, anyone can do the job as well as I can.&rdquo; Therein lies the problem. If they cannot see the value they bring, how can their customers?</p> <p>After a few sessions where we boiled down what set them apart from their competition, it became clear that they were starting to really see the value they were offering. This value began to shine through in their proposals and sales meetings. This small shift in perception changed their business. They hit that $2million revenue goal, in fact they blew it out of the water.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>