Castro Street Fair is a testament to Harvey Milk’s legacy

<p>Each LGBTQ+ festival carries a different vibe in San Francisco: Pride is our annual national spotlight on the local community, and likewise, Folsom brings us widespread attention and celebration within sex, kink, fetish, and shared intimacy spaces. Dore Alley is like a little sibling of Folsom, and Castro Street Fair likewise appeals more to a local crowd. The latter&rsquo;s always been just a little racy with nudists and some sporting fetish wear, but also quite family friendly with many local vendors, dance parties, sidewalk art, and just happy people.</p> <p>The streets along Castro and 18th, up to 19th, and down on Market felt so packed, but also slightly more tame than perhaps last year. Castro Street Fair fell on a day both Hardly Strictly and Portola music festivals took place, which we all guessed might have been why we had a little more space to breathe. But just a little.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>