“Why was military-grade ammo used in mass shootings?”

<p>It&rsquo;s like discovering your comfortable home state has been infested by an insane scorpion, a human-sized one. And it&rsquo;s a female insane scorpion, capable of producing many more like her.</p> <p>The article goes on to say, &ldquo;Attorney General Dana Nessel has joined a coalition of attorneys general in calling on the Biden administration to investigate recent reports that a federally funded contractor has been selling military-grade ammunition to civilians across the country &mdash; including to perpetrators of recent mass shootings.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://jackrnoel.medium.com/why-was-military-grade-ammo-used-in-mass-shootings-0f9f8feb4723"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Military Grade