Is God on Mike Johnson’s and MAGA’s side?

<p>The last ten years have been a lot to process. The MAGA movement thrives on saying one obnoxious thing after another. Truth no longer matters. The goal is to exhaust the sane portion of this country until it gives up. Now Mike Johnson thinks God was responsible for his appointment as Speaker of the House. I can&rsquo;t imagine the arrogance it takes to believe God chose you and your MAGA political agenda above all others.</p> <p>Does Johnson think God is on the side of a group of right-wing lunatics who have no concern for those who don&rsquo;t join their cult? Donald Trump was willing to let his Vice President hang in public for him to remain president. There were a large number of people willing to do it. There was an even larger number of people cheering them on, at the Capitol and across the country.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mikes Johnson