Germany has a property issue not a migration issue.

<p>I packed my bags and came to Berlin with my partner without a place to stay. We thought we&rsquo;d make it work. Back home in South Africa, if you want to move apartments you can call up an estate agent and get a private viewing later that week. Then a new home is yours the following week. This was our assumption for Berlin. We were dead-wrong.</p> <p>I want to offer an outsider&rsquo;s perspective on the property situation in Berlin. This is important because Germany is wanting to attract foreign workers and introducing their Chancekarte (or &ldquo;green card&rdquo;). Getting to Germany while difficult, was a piece of cake relative to finding a place to live.</p> <p>There is one apartment for every 8 new people coming to Berlin*. This is unsustainable.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>