What’s Your Midterms Plan? It’s Time to Take a Voluncation.

<p>The midterms are coming, in about 150 days, and&nbsp;it is time for all of us to do more than we have ever done. It&rsquo;s time to think differently about how we approach the elections. It is time to up our game. It&rsquo;s time to check our calendars, now, and plan to take some time off. The Democrats did a great job in 2020 of encouraging voters to have a &ldquo;voting plan.&rdquo; In 2022, we must all have a &ldquo;volunteer plan.&rdquo; When they go low, we take vacation and work the phones, knock the doors, and organize. The stakes are just too high.</p> <p>I realize that&rsquo;s a huge privilege &mdash; to be able to take a week off work &mdash; but for those of us who can, it is imperative that we bank that PTO so we can focus our energies and give our time and talents. (Yes, of course, volunteer&nbsp;<em>whenever</em>&nbsp;you can, but a dedicated week in the fall can maximize your efforts.) We can all zipline in Costa Rica or sip margaritas in Puerto Vallarta in 2023 (or whatever you do on vacation), when the midterms are behind us and we have figured out how the fuck to avoid monkeypox.&nbsp;This year, it is all-hands-on-deck to hose down this massive dumpster fire we call a government.</p> <p><a href="https://juliovincent.medium.com/whats-your-midterms-plan-it-s-time-to-take-a-voluncation-9745917349bd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Midterms Plan