Memoires of the Middle One: MyTale of Two Cities

<p>I decided years ago that if I were ever to write stories from my life&nbsp;<em>Memoires of the Middle One</em>&nbsp;is what I would have to us as a title. I&rsquo;m the middle child of three girls and it became habit that when I call my parents if one answers and I need to speak to the other one I can hear from the other end of the phone, &ldquo;Here, talk to your middle one.&rdquo; It makes me smile, for whatever reason.</p> <p>Recently my partner, after I had spent some time encouraging him to try and share/publish some of his stories, joined Medium. Since I could only support him by reading a few stories a month without actually joining the site, I decided to sign up. Since I am here, anyway, I figured I might as well take advantage of the outlet, myself, as well. I don&rsquo;t write as much as I used to; once upon a time, I was regularly writing in journals or jotting down poems that came to mind, at random. I even had a poem published in a coffee table book once as a teenager. Mainly, my thoughts of writing turn toward finally finishing the screenplay that I, also, wrote as a teenager that I have spent the last decade or more reworking into a book.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Middle One