I Hid My Middle Name, Thinking No One Would Notice I Was Asian

<p>It&rsquo;s actually&nbsp;<em>Tak-Wah&nbsp;</em>(pronounced &ldquo;duck wah&rdquo;). My immigrant parents chose the name &mdash; which means &ldquo;broad virtue&rdquo; in Cantonese &mdash; so I wouldn&rsquo;t forget my heritage. Not that I needed the reminder growing up. My black hair, short stature, and funny-sounding last name (Yee) ensured I stood out in our nearly all-white neighborhood.</p> <p>Like most kids, I just wanted to fit in. Unable to hide the fact I was Asian, I focused on toning down my Asian-ness. Besides my middle name, I wouldn&rsquo;t mention my family&rsquo;s Chinese traditions or visits to&nbsp;<em>Gong Gong&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Ngin Ngin</em>&rsquo;s house. I spoke only English, ate the cafeteria lunch, and attended Sunday School. My soccer and Cub Scout uniforms offered both belonging and protection.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/asian-mosaic/i-hid-my-middle-name-thinking-no-one-would-notice-i-was-asian-40fbabbe98fe"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Middle Name