Imposter Syndrome Convinced Me My Microsoft Interview Was a Scam

<p>Yep. You read that right.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s what happened. I got approached by a recruiter a while ago and everything was moving along as usual. He set up an initial interview to chat about the role and my qualifications- a routine recruiter phone call, you know the drill. During the call, he kept mentioning this &ldquo;client&rdquo; that he was filling this role for but no name was mentioned at the earlier stages. It&rsquo;s not uncommon to have the company&rsquo;s name hidden at the job posting or initial stages of recruitment, especially with large companies that would rather filter out the applications, so I didn&rsquo;t find it particularly odd or unusual.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Syndrome