Microdosing, Mastodon, and Jonah Hill.

<p>2008. I&rsquo;m 40. I write a short story about my search for my birth mother, how in 1998, after searching for six years &mdash; after a social worker said it was impossible&mdash; I found her but she was already dead. I write about how finding answers soothed my soul at the same time grief shattered it. I show it to a friend, a screenwriter and former New York Times journalist who says, &ldquo;holy shit, you&rsquo;re a writer.&rdquo; It is the first time I&rsquo;ve shown someone my writing. He suggests I turn it into a screenplay, so with his help and the help of other screenwriter friends, I write a screenplay.</p> <p>Some people read it and like it and wow, maybe I really am a writer. The news horrifies my husband &mdash; a film producer &mdash; now his wife is like everyone else in this town asking him to read their script, but he is a good husband, so he reads it and, much to his cynical surprise, he likes it. He sends it to his friend, a big fancy agent. His friend, the big fancy agent, does not like my script.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/mushrooms-mastodon-jonah-hill-and-me-dc1df1313f4b"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>