Can I Wear Makeup After Microdermabrasion?

<p>&ldquo;Can I wear makeup after microdermabrasion?&rdquo; may be on your mind if you recently had this restorative procedure done. Do not be alarmed! I&rsquo;ll address all of your urgent concerns regarding when it&rsquo;s safe to wear makeup after microdermabrasion in this comprehensive guide.</p> <p>A common cosmetic procedure that exfoliates the skin and gives it a revitalizing glow is a microdermabrasion. Giving your skin enough time to heal, though, is crucial before using any products &mdash; makeup included. After microdermabrasion, applying makeup too soon may irritate your skin and cause problems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>