Michael McClure: The Psychedelic Era

<p>Michael McClure; born on October 20, 1932 was involved with the Psychedelic Era. Beat poets, as well as musicians used psychedelics to reach different levels of consciousness to extend their thoughts. Peyote was a common psychedelic that was popular among the beats and musicians before it was regulated in 1994. Peyote is a small cactus that contains psychoactive alkaloids which was originally used among spiritual and indigenous groups. McClure wrote about his out of body experiences in &ldquo; Peyote Poem&rdquo; which recognizes the separation from his mind and body in forms of spiritual awakenings and altered consciousness. Recognizing the separation between the mind and body is fundamental to fully understand spiritual awakenings and altered consciousnesses.</p> <p>McClure highlights the separation of his mind and body through the use of synecdoche by comparing what he can feel and what he can see. McClure uses his stomach to reference his whole body.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@cr09mill1/michael-mcclure-the-psychedelic-era-e946e8cf4ba9"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>