Michael McClure: Utilization of Synecdoche

<p>Michael McClure was one of the Beat Generations most impactful writers and was one of the early pioneers who began their careers at the Six Gallery. McClure wrote unlike anybody else in the Beat Generation and this is due to his connection to ecology and his willingness to experiment with psychedelics, specifically peyote. This experimentation of psychedelics played a massive role in McClure&rsquo;s writing style which featured heavy use of the writing tool synecdoche. Synecdoche is a tool which writer utilized to create vivid images for a reader by using a part of something to describe a whole. This tool is seen all throughout McClure&rsquo;s work, and specifically in his &ldquo;Peyote Poem&rdquo;, in which his experiences on peyote allow him to describe imagery at a much more heightened sense.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@wk13klei/michael-mcclure-utilization-of-synecdoche-cdfcdcff3683"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>