Old World Miami Luxury.
<p>Where Elegance and Class Can Still be Bought and Experienced …</p>
<p>If we may take a moment and harken our attention back to the grand ole days, when society <em>dressed</em> for dinner. When custom was the man would pull out the lady’s chair, and rise in respect as she gracefully left the table. Old world manners often went hand in hand with old world luxury and the remnants of this by-gone era are plentiful and prevalent in modern day Miami.</p>
<p>First in evidence of this is the Biltmore Hotel, billed as Miami’s finest in luxury. One can easily believe it with a massive open-air pool bordered on one side by an old-world travertine-floored portico guarded by grand uniform-sized Greco Italian statues in white marble. One can believe that Michelangelo’s beautiful David, thinks himself blessed for his eternal vision of a half-clad roman goddess with flowing alabaster hair standing to his right.</p>
<p><a href="https://kelcreations.medium.com/old-world-miami-luxury-a246eb653815"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>