Difference between Function and Method in Swift
<p>InSwift, both functions and methods are used to define reusable blocks of code, but they have some key differences:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:770/1*sgwkr49ygVx8ZozTE9FK7A.png" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Methods vs Functions</p>
<li>A function is a standalone block of code that performs a specific task when called.</li>
<li>Functions in Swift are not tied to any specific data type or object.</li>
<li>They are defined outside of a class or structure and can be called independently.</li>
<li>Functions can be global (not associated with any specific type or instance) or nested within other functions.</li>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/swiftfy/difference-between-function-and-method-in-swift-2c77ebc86379"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>