The Bangkok Method

<p>I find it comforting every-time I go to Bangkok, because it&rsquo;s a city where creativity can thrives and create many subcultures, from mass to niche. To be creative is to be able to contradict many elements that turns out to be a unique harmony. For example, Bangkok just decided to turn its public cemetery that is so popular for its haunting story into a public park where runners can jog and old people can gather, and a freaking gym inside the cemetery is also available to be used. It&rsquo;s crazy right?</p> <p><img alt="" src="*1vJL7UfSrlVlJWqyLzyQWA.jpeg" style="height:525px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Public park at Teochew Cemetery</p> <p>And Bangkok, is a city of contradiction but in a good way and this makes the city so memorable and addicting. The malls are aesthetically beautiful yet they manage to make the messy, sweaty, and smoky night markets are enticing in their own way. The city is so packed, jammed with traffic during busy hours, but at the same time, you can feel alone while walking to the BTS and immersed in your own thought and listening to good music. The Michelin restaurants are spread like mushrooms in raining season, but the street food you find on the street can also fulfill your tummy because it tastes THAT GOOD.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bangkok Method