First Land on Earth might be a result of Meteor Explosions

<p>Earth&rsquo;s interior can be classified into crust-the continents, mantle-the magma below the continents and core-the solid rock in the Earth&rsquo;s interior.</p> <p>Continents, by definition, are large masses of land on the crust separated by a fluid like water. With this defintion, Earth is the only known planet to have continents.</p> <p>In the last century, Alfred Wegener proposed the Continental Drift Theory, according to which Earth once had a unified continent which drifted over time to produce the seven continents that we know today. This theory has been proved by studying the similarities in the fossils on the different land masses today. For anyone in doubt, notice how nicely the east coast of South America aligns with the west coast of Africa.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>