Are these surprising outcomes from a conversation on that sexual assault that happened in the Metaverse?

<p>When I said, &lsquo;apparently a girl was raped in the Metaverse,&rsquo; my conversation partner said, &lsquo;no she wasn&rsquo;t.&rsquo;</p> <p>He posits: &lsquo;She could have left the room or taken the headset off, and calling it rape undermines real rape.&rsquo;</p> <p>I feel that what he says is true, but also that she was assaulted. I find myself stuck between two truths.</p> <p>On 6 January 2024 in an episode of BBC Radio 4 Woman&rsquo;s Hour, the journalist Helen Rumbelow explains my position to me. What I take from her bit is that vocabulary around events such as the one that happened to a girl in the Metaverse hasn&rsquo;t caught up with the reality. Nor has the law.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>