Meet me in Metaverse?
<p>Ever since Mr. Zuckerberg announced renamed Facebook to Meta, and trying to make Metaverse happen.</p>
<p>Here is the Google Trend of “Meta” (Search team), and “Metaverse” since Sept 2021 till presence day:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*LYgy9nnz3lXA5GET.jpeg" style="height:257px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Google Trend of Meta (search term) and Metaverse (search term) since Oct 2021</p>
<p>The decline of Metaverse is evident, but the interest in Meta continues to spike. Or maybe “Meta” is now maybe equivalent to “Metaverse”. Now if I switched the “Meta” (search term) to the specific “Meta” (a technology company), Google Trend gave me a very different picture.</p>
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