A Metal Flower, a Cemetery, and Dante’s Inferno: Welcome to Buenos Aires

<p>What does a metal flower, a cemetery, and Dante&rsquo;s Inferno all have in common? The answer: Buenos Aires. A blooming 105-foot stainless steel flower comes to life every morning at sunrise; a spectacular cemetery of Greek pillars, grandiose mausoleums and Roman monoliths takes you back in time; and a building that descends from heaven to hell in a tribute to the Divine Comedy are just 3 of the many fascinating spectacles to see here in Buenos Aires.</p> <p><strong>A Flower that Blooms All Year</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:630/1*R2RrfKdVcf9vTFGC-lOX2A.jpeg" style="height:525px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Floralis Gen&eacute;rica</p> <p>Built in 2002, the Floralis Gen&eacute;rica was a gift to the city of BA from Eduardo Catalano. Standing over 75 feet tall and 105 feet wide, made of stainless steel and aluminum, this immortal flower opens and closes with the sun. It sits inside a reflecting pool, within a park saddling the Law Library, in the neighborhood of Recoleta. Its daily homage to the sun creates a giant reflection of the city, its surrounding park, and the open sky. At night, it closes itself around a blue light. This artistic tribute to eternal beauty is both mesmerizing and a photographer&rsquo;s dream.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@leealicewagner/a-metal-flower-a-cemetery-and-dantes-inferno-welcome-to-buenos-aires-b1dc1f5b6421"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Metal Flower