Managing the mental load: Home and Clothing Edition

<p>Our lovely 14-year-old cat Lily suffers from intermittent seizures. These only seem to occur between 2 and 4 am. I&rsquo;m keen to keep her at home so I decide to advertise for a housesitter. An hour after putting up my advertisement emphasising the need to take care of an elderly cat prone to highly inconveniently timed seizures, I&rsquo;m inundated with responses. I think it&rsquo;s the picture of Lily looking cute but it turns out a seven week housesit in suburban Melbourne over the summer is a dream gig. I am completely unprepared for all the responses.</p> <p>I canvas T about whether we want a single person, a couple or the woman who offers to &ldquo;heal&rdquo; our cat. He decides a couple so I select the first respondents who do not call Lily our &ldquo;furbaby&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>