Men, We Need You to Do Better

<p>Yes, the 10 questions are coming. But first I want to tell you a story about a friend. She is a community leader, a divorced mother, and a deeply kind, uplifting person. It&rsquo;s impossible not to feel good in her presence.</p> <p>Recently she was having some work done on her house. We talked by phone not long afterward, and she told me, laughing, about the good-looking men who were doing the work. She was surprised and delighted to find that one of them had left a note behind, apologizing if he seemed unprofessional and offering his phone number in case she&rsquo;d like to talk. &ldquo;Call him!&rdquo; I urged, laughing along with her. The whole situation sounded like the kind of fun she deserved after navigating the separation from her long-time partner.</p> <p>She called him and it only took her a little while to realize that they didn&rsquo;t have much in common. They had a friendly conversation, and she politely declined getting together for dinner. And this is the point at which the story stops being light-hearted and fun. He kept calling and texting, insisting he take her for dinner. Her polite &ldquo;no&rdquo; became more pointed and direct. She stopped responding altogether. Still he persisted. The text messages continued. The next time I heard from her, she was afraid for her safety, especially considering that this man knew where she lived. And, like pretty much all women I know, she had turned to questioning herself. Had she been too flirty? Too nice? Had she taken an unnecessary risk by calling him in the first place?</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Better Need