The Best Part of Heaven Is the Memory of Hell

<p>You&rsquo;re warned about the devil. I was, anyway. A half-folkloric, half-real presence that no one ever really told you how seriously you should take. Baptized and confirmed, sent from one Catholic school to another, I picked up somewhere in the somnolent classes the idea that God was real.</p> <p>The devil was talked about far less often. Some characters remain trapped in the amber of their time.</p> <p>You were warned about hell, though. The final destination of murderers and rapists and Hitler and anyone who didn&rsquo;t finish their vegetables or sing gustily along with dirge-like Catholic hymns. A place of pain and misery, luridly decorated with all the torments the deeply limited imaginations of our teachers and priests could conjure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Memory Hell