The Memento Pattern in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

<p>The Memento Pattern is a behavioural design pattern that allows you to capture an object&rsquo;s internal state without exposing its structure. This captured state called a memento, can be stored, retrieved, and used to restore the object to its previous state. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Memento Pattern in Swift, its usage, provide a conceptual example, and discuss real-world applications, problem-solving capabilities, pseudocode, applicability, how to implement it, its pros and cons, and its relationships with other design patterns.</p> <h1>What is the Memento Pattern?</h1> <p>The Memento Pattern is a behavioural design pattern that provides the ability to capture and externalize an object&rsquo;s internal state so that the object can be restored to that state later. It helps maintain the encapsulation of an object&rsquo;s state while allowing it to be rolled back to a previous state without exposing its internal structure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>