MELD Dev Diary 52

<p>Hey there! Welcome to our Dev Diaries. This is where we give you a peek behind the curtain to see how we&rsquo;re making MELDapp even better. So, what have we been up to in the last week?</p> <h1>MELDapp Web:</h1> <ul> <li>Started supporting long (Shelley) Cardano wallet addresses in preparation for ADA staking,</li> <li>Made a one-time migration process available in MELDapp, preparing Cardano wallets for future functionalities,</li> <li>Launched WalletConnect integration on production for internal testing,</li> <li>Updated history and transaction endpoints to accept new parameters,</li> <li>Released short/long Cardano wallet address migration APIs,</li> <li>Updated the wallet registration endpoint to include wallet type,</li> <li>Fixed a bug with available tokens on production and staging,</li> <li>Transaction API performance improvements,</li> <li>Increased automated test coverage.</li> </ul> <h1>MELDapp Mobile:</h1> <ul> <li>Fixed bug that prevented sending of Cardano Native Tokens,</li> <li>Added faucet to mobile app,</li> <li>Added Delete Account functionality,</li> <li>Fixed bug that allowed zooming into charts,</li> <li>Fixed bug that prevented seed phrase from being wiped from keychain,</li> <li>Created a pre-production app with SMS and email OTP,</li> <li>Started work on adding websockets to update balances and fetch new transactions automatically.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dev MELD