Cohort Stories: Meet Zelalem

<p>It is common to hear that when people say life is complex or challenging. The beauty of life starts shining at this point because our brain switches into a problem-solving mode. Most likely, any individual felt or said it at least once, particularly those who left their home country behind, where they built their social relationship, house, business, Etc., and started over life from scratch in another country. I&rsquo;m one of those people. I emigrated from my home country, Ethiopia, seven years ago with my family and immigrated here to the U.S. Since then, I&rsquo;ve worked hard day and night to take care of my family. Although I had two full-time jobs, my work ethic and solid discipline, which I am most proud of, helped me overcome all challenges while attending college. Thus I got an associate degree in computer science, then transferred to UMass Boston, and I am about to get my bachelor&rsquo;s this coming May in computer science.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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