How Meditation Has Made Old Age the Best Time of My Life

<p>Once you accept your age, everything gets better.</p> <p>I resisted old age for a ridiculously long time. It was only through accepting the present moment that I could accept my age and relax into it.</p> <p>Aging well is not only about diet, exercise, good healthcare, and lucky genes. Even if you&rsquo;ve got those things knocked, there&rsquo;s something even more important:&nbsp;<em>acceptance</em>.</p> <p>Accepting yourself, your age, and what&rsquo;s happening here and now is essential to a happier, more satisfying old age. Acceptance started for me during the Pandemic lockdown of March 2020.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Meditation