How Media Is Like A Dream

<p>Media is not a window onto the world. It&rsquo;s a window into the machine&nbsp;<strong>dream world</strong>, a system of material production pumping out industrialized information into every sensory organ. All of our media&mdash;including news&mdash;are just carefully engineered dreams. They&rsquo;re either completely manufactured hallucinations (like dramas) or selectively edited perceptions (like news). We get confused because they&nbsp;<em>look</em>&nbsp;so real, but we also get confused by dreams every night. Waking or sleeping, in truth, we are always dreaming.</p> <p>In both cases, the evidence is right in front of your eyes or, more specifically,&nbsp;<em>it isn&rsquo;t</em>. When we&rsquo;re dreaming, our eyes are closed but it still feels like we&rsquo;re seeing. The brain manufactures an entirely believable experience from whole cloth, complete with sights, sounds, orgasms, and even wetting yourself. When we&rsquo;re awake, our eyes are open, but we&rsquo;re really just dreaming. Images on our retina while speakers play our eardrums. Instead of your brain running the simulation, some electronics and distant servers do, and a few perceptual tricks fill in the rest. It&rsquo;s dreaming at a distance.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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