Climate Change, Fossil Fuels, and a Small Measure of Hope

<p>I&rsquo;m a climate change doomer.</p> <p>Not in the sense that I think the world is going to end, or anything &mdash; the planet isn&rsquo;t on the verge of exploding. It&rsquo;s just that the threshold for preventing disaster has long passed, and the political will to make the necessary changes just does not exist.</p> <p>Even if we stopped every source of emission dead right this second, the residual warming from what has already been released will continue to drive warming for decades, so it&rsquo;s hard to feel optimistic.</p> <p>Every year, the climate worsens. Every year, temperatures fluctuate wildly and global weather patterns grow more and more chaotic. Floods. Droughts. Furious storms, uncontrollable wildfires, and heat waves leave thousands dead and dying.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Measure Hope