MBS Highway Housing Survey — December 2023

<p>The MBS Highway National Housing Index recovered slightly, rising to 34 in December 2023, from 31 in November 2023. In December 2022, the index was at 14.</p> <p>The overall improvement was driven by a 7 point rebound in the Buyer Activity sub-index, which rose from 20 in November 2023 to 27 in December 2023. Clearly, the one percentage point drop in average 30-year mortgage rates during the last 6 weeks brought some buyers back to the market, in spite of limited inventory and seasonal factors. A year ago, the Buyer Activity sub-index was at 15.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.listreports.com/mbs-highway-housing-survey-december-2023-7a24a83ca499"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: MBS Highway