Simulate Large Quantum Circuits With Low Entanglement Using the Matrix Product State Simulator

<p>It&rsquo;s difficult to answer &ldquo;how big a quantum computer can a classical computer simulate,&rdquo; because the answer is, well, it depends. But built into Qiskit, we have a simulator that can tackle certain kinds of quantum circuits with hundreds of qubits with relative ease.</p> <p>Quantum circuit simulators are software programs used to mimic the behavior of quantum computers. They aid us in quantum computers&rsquo; research and development, and in gaining a better understanding of quantum algorithms. Crucial to using simulators is to pick the one best suited to the circuit you hope to simulate. If you&rsquo;re aiming for circuits with lots of qubits but relatively little entanglement, the Matrix Product State Simulator might be your best bet.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: matrix Product