What Lies Behind Matisse’s Window?

<p>For this new&nbsp;<em>br&egrave;ve d&rsquo;art,&nbsp;</em>I&rsquo;ve decided to tell you about Henri Matisse, and a rather surprising work when you consider that Matisse&rsquo;s work is all about light and colour. If you&rsquo;re in the habit of reading me regularly, you&rsquo;ll no doubt have realised that I have an inordinate passion for colour in painting, and by extension for the work of Henri Matisse. So the choice of painting I&rsquo;m going to talk to you about today is all the more surprising in that it&rsquo;s the opposite of what I like and what we&rsquo;re used to seeing when we talk about the painter&rsquo;s work. And that&rsquo;s exactly what intrigued me. Today, let&rsquo;s talk about&nbsp;<strong><em>Porte-fen&ecirc;tre &agrave; Collioure (or The French Window in Collioure)</em></strong>, painted by Henri Matisse in 1914.</p> <p>That was two years ago. Summer was just around the corner and I was preparing for my very first tour of the Centre Pompidou&rsquo;s modern collections in Paris. Delighted to finally be able to show some of the works I love, I knew this visit would be full of colour. And it was as I entered the bright and colourful Matisse room that my eye fell on&nbsp;<em>Porte-fen&ecirc;tre &agrave; Collioure</em>. Wow, was it really Matisse who painted this picture so dark, so black? I was intrigued. And as my passion is to show and tell through visits what is less obvious, less known, less famous, I wanted to focus on this work in particular,&nbsp;<em>Porte-fen&ecirc;tre &agrave; Collioure</em>, because, in my opinion, it underlines the importance of Matisse&rsquo;s research. When we think of him, we see colourful, almost explosive paintings, simplified forms, but always figurative compositions. Here, with&nbsp;<em>Porte-fen&ecirc;tre &agrave; Collioure</em>, we tend almost towards abstraction. This is a rather sombre work, hardly recognisable from his earlier work, but characteristic of the atmosphere that prevailed at that time, at the end of 1914.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-collector/what-lies-behind-matisses-window-acba867966b8"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>