Buenos Aires me mata

<p>We arrived twice in&nbsp;<em>Buenos Aires</em>, first from&nbsp;<em>Puerto Iguaz&uacute;</em>, we landed in the afternoon on&nbsp;<a href="http://aeroparque%20internacional%20jorge%20newbery%20av.%20costanera%20rafael%20obligado%20s/n,%20C1425%20CABA,%20Argentina%20+54%2011%205480-6111%20https://goo.gl/maps/EA8PHxpGLnW6zZc18" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Aeroparque Internacional</a>, and after a short walk in&nbsp;<em>Puerto Madero</em>&nbsp;and a nice lunch there at&nbsp;<a href="http://ilgatto.com.ar/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Il Gatto</a>, we took a ferry () and left for&nbsp;<a href="https://besidestheobviousblog.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/uruguay-part-1-colonia-del-sacramento/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Colonia del Sacramento</a>. Meaning that we spent a maximum of 5&ndash;6 hours in the city for the first visit. But, already then, for the first time, it looked like a place that I&rsquo;m going to like. But after such a short time, of course, it was hard to judge. Anyhow the first impression, that sunny afternoon, the places that we crossed (&nbsp;<em>Plaza Roma</em>,&nbsp;<em>Paseo del Bajo, Puerto Madero</em>) looked very friendly and welcoming to me.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:630/0*l1GCXcSoAmEVKK3w.jpg" style="height:426px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Then after spending a week in&nbsp;<em>Uruguay</em>&nbsp;we took a ferry from&nbsp;<em>Montevideo</em>&nbsp;to get back to&nbsp;<em>Buenos Aires</em>&nbsp;again, where we spent 4 days, finally dedicating some time only for this amazing city. Then we arrived in the late evening, it was already dark, and we needed to walk from the port to our&nbsp;<em>Airbnb</em>, that was located very close to the famous&nbsp;<strong>Plaza de Mayo</strong>.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@besides_the_obvious/buenos-aires-me-mata-%EF%B8%8F-69a727508848"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires