If I Let You Look at a Masterpiece

<p>Ihave studied art so intensely for a while now. I&rsquo;m at the point now where I find it difficult to improve further. The admiration is there but the critique isn&rsquo;t. Fact remains, I need to have people begin to talk about it. If its not good enough then I improve even further and break through all barriers out there if I have to.</p> <p>The crazy thing about life is that when your confidence is sky high you grow from hardship happening to you. If you&rsquo;re weak you will crumble and cry. The experience is the same but your strength is different. I&rsquo;m at the point now in my healthy journey that I&rsquo;m asking politely to be picked apart. In a way you are striving for more hardships as you know you can&rsquo;t be affected by it to any extent. The trust in yourself is stronger than the negative events.</p> <p>If you choose to critique me you only build me stronger while you lower yourself in the process. It&rsquo;s a very weird consequence. It&rsquo;s a false narrative as you usually feel better in the moment when picking on someone else. When the criticised person is strong in themselves they improve while you don&rsquo;t. Now the gap widens and you who critique falls further behind in life.</p> <p>A while back I wrote a poem about confidence wearing knights armour. I&rsquo;m feeling just like that, your armour is untouchable in your mind and cannot break from any hardships thrown at you. Finally, you know that you are ready to go all the way in life.</p> <p>Each new artwork propels me forward just a little more in life. It can be reputation wise or through admiration of the actual art piece. I know it&rsquo;s only because my art is good enough. Otherwise you would go nowhere in this line of work.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/in-the-zone/if-i-let-you-look-at-a-masterpiece-a685e94ded68"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>